I can’t resist coupons, let alone special ones sent to me in
honor of my birthday, from local stores I frequent all too often.
Add a coupon to a clearance item with an additional
percentage off this time of year, and wow, that’s a no-brainer purchase.
One afternoon when my birthday month (January) was fresh and
new – let’s say January 2—I headed to the Promenade in Marlton, on the hunt to explore
one of my favs, J. Jill, coupon in tow.
A woman with a great big smile and a very pretty top I had
seen in the window welcomed me into the store and asked me how my day was going
so far.
Her warmth was a quick reminder of some of the reasons I
like to shop there: the sales people are
very friendly, forthcoming with sale information, helpful and never pushy.
After exchanging pleasantries, I went on my merry way to
search for the lucky item(s) that would be coming home with me that night.
The woman with the huge smile passed me several times,
commenting every few minutes.
“I have that…that looks nice with so many things…try this
on!” She was a little more outgoing than
the other women I was used to, but I was fine with it and found her happy mood
to be infectious: now I was walking
around with a smile too.
At one point, confident we had become buds, I told her she
looked very nice in her tunic. She
pointed to the section of the store where it was hanging.
She was clearly delighted with the compliment and told me
she fell in love with the top at first sight because she knew it would flatter
her figure.
“I don’t know about you, but all my weight is in my back
side and thighs,” she said…and then she proceeded to pull up her top to expose
her midsection and most of her bra, to her cleavage.
I had a couple thoughts running through my mind: 1 - Is she expecting me to do the same thing,
because that’s not happening and 2 - I’ve never seen anyone at J. Jill do this
before, and I wonder what her co-workers feel about her sales technique.
She then pointed to her belly, rubbing her hand up and down
and then turning around to show me that her butt and legs were her “problem”
When she finally pulled her tunic back down to where it
belonged, I thought to myself she’s pretty bold, showing one of her customers up
close and personal what she saw as her body’s flaws. That is something I wouldn’t have done.
I continued to collect more to try on from the clearance
section while struggling to balance all my items, with hangers digging into my
forearm and strangling my wrist, rendering me almost unable to look at other items
on the rack. A serious world problem,
for sure.
Usually by now one of the sales people would ask if she
could put my items in the dressing room, but my friend was nowhere to be seen and
no one else was paying attention to me.
A minute later there she was again, commenting on the
sweater jacket I was reaching up to see.
Just as I started to respond, the jacket fell off the hanger and on to
the floor. I looked at her, she looked
at me and then everything came crashing down.
I could tell my voice was shaky and my tone desperate when I
asked if she could help me, but it didn’t matter. She kept walking.
I felt abandoned. She had been so eager to disrobe in front
of me but couldn’t find it in her heart to lend a hand? So typical of relationships that fail! But from a J. Jill salesperson?
I started to ruminate about what was going on. Did I offend her by asking for help? I then felt ashamed that I asked, bordering on
paranoid that I had done something wrong.
About five minutes later, once I had cleaned up my mess on
the floor, she came over to me and asked, “Do you think I work here?”
I didn’t know what to say.
Didn’t SHE think she worked there?
I said “yes…you don’t?”
She said “No, I just like the clothes.”
OK…so she undressed in front of me…why?
I was still feeling rather embarrassed that I thought she
was a J. Jill employee, when she was a shopper, just like me.
I was relieved to go into the dressing room and shut the
door, until I heard this:
“Some lady asked me for help because she couldn’t hold all
her stuff and she thought I worked here.”
Now wait just a minute.
I opened my door and saw her standing in the middle of the
dressing room area with her arms crossed like a parent about to discipline her
She looked right at me and asked why I thought she worked
there, with all the other women in the dressing rooms looking at me too. The
pressure was on.
I didn’t even know where to start, so I didn’t. I closed the door, tried on my pile of clothes
and chuckled inside when I heard someone else tell mystery woman she thought
she worked there too.
I left empty-handed; my coupon transformed into entertainment
for the afternoon, far better than a sweater that would have gotten lost in my
closet anyway.