Sunday, March 23, 2014

Party, Anyone?

One of the greatest pleasures I have in my world is proving my husband wrong or at least slightly skewed in his thinking.  It’s not often this happens but, when it does, I savor it.    

David made the comment after dinner at our favorite local hotspot the other night that men have more fun than women.  He said he noticed men joking around with each other, laughing, and clearly having a good time.  In contrast, women having dinner with their same-sex friends looked much more serious, were deeply engaged in conversation, and most likely were (based on his wife, I am sure) discussing situations revolving around conflict and other unsolvable problems. 

Excellent point, I responded.  When he put it that way, I almost wished I was more like a man.

But then I realized he’s making an assumption from a fairly limited vantage point.  Maybe we women are on a daily basis most interested in talking about weighty matters when we get together; however, I have concluded, based upon my own study, that no man knows how to have as good a time as a woman a wedding party.     

Take these two celebrations we attended this past month.  I didn’t see any men kicking off their fashionable shoes to dance; in fact, I didn’t see that many men participating at all – not with their wives or girlfriends or partners or with each other.  I also didn’t see men smiling from ear to ear or laughing hard or singing their hearts out. Women had it all over the men when it came to letting loose on the dance floor.       

While I’m sure the men were enjoying themselves in their own way, they seemed perfectly content to sit alone, engage in iPhone activity and there even a few guys circled around an iPad to watch a sporting event.  

Although I had a blast at both weddings, I’m very excited about getting together with a friend this week to catch up on life...

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Although there are many men who also enjoy themselves on the dance floor at a wedding, the women definitely outnumber the men. As much as we enjoy sitting at the dinner table in a restaurant discussing life and all of its complicaitons, issues and joys, we also enjoy letting loose ont the dance floor at a wedding and forgetting about all of that stuff and just enjoying ourselves and having fun too!
