Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Mom's First

I have a very bad habit of frequenting Diane's Water Ice at lunchtime - good because I love every spoonful and bad for...need I spell it out?  Rachel, the manager there most familiar with my obsession, and I have become chummy, sharing stories about our kids like we're longtime friends.  

She knows for example that I have a daughter with Celiac Disease and how trying that can be, so she's been very patient with me when I quiz her on Allison's flavor preferences to be sure she can still partake.  I know as well that she has a daughter who seems to have grown from baby to "teenager" - at just 2 years old - overnight, and Rachel is not happy about it. 

When she voiced sadness of time gone by too fast, my emotions took me to a place I haven't visited for years - back to the day when I experienced the magical powers of first-time motherhood. 

I embraced it like a fish to water, loving my new little companion Michael - the best interactive toy one could hope for - and our time together brought joy, peace, satisfaction and endless fun to my life.  I got a kick out of everything he did - from complete stillness as an infant to making sounds, moving around and reacting to everything around him. 

A short time after Mike was born, about when he was starting to bring his hands around to his face and trying to grab his feet, I began to feel the need to capture these fleeting moments on film, so Mike's dad and I bought the hot item of the time (1987) - a shoulder-mount VHS camcorder.  I could hardly maneuver it but that didn't stop me from recording hours and hours of Mike doing almost nothing.  I remember telling my then in-laws when they came over one day that I have something amazing to show them, and they sat down to watch with much anticipation. They oohed and ahhed very kindly but I'm sure it was painful to sit and watch for over an hour Mike make ever so slight a gesture.  Yet, I found it riveting. 

So I get that Rachel is missing her teeny-weeny baby.  

I still miss all my babies.


  1. Judy, for our generation, this is such an amusing post. So many of us have countless DVDs containing hours and hours of our children, especially during their infancy, doing simple little things that we were afraid to miss. We can relate so well to your story. I have good intentions to copy my old DVDs onto CDs before they get old and decay, but I also find myslelf wondering if I will ever watch the CDs; I sometimes wish there was a service out there that could edit them down to half the time with only the stuff worth watching being left in the end, LOL!
    I know if anything were to happen to my children, who are now grown, I would pull them out and watch every single minute of those tapes, so I guess they are the memories we never want to lose. I have said before that if not for photos and videos, I seriously wonder if I could clearly remember my children's faces from when they were young; could you? And does that make me a bad mother????? Perhaps material for another blog. Celestine

    1. I can't remember my OWN face from one day to the next!

  2. How timely was this post. My grandbabies are getting so big and older now, that lately I have been feeling sad at the loss of them as little tiny babies.
