Sunday, January 5, 2014

His and Her Lists

Time with my husband once again provided some good blog material for today’s post.

But before I go into that, I want to make sure that I don’t leave any of you hanging about last week’s debacle when David told me he thought the purple jacket I was wearing made me look pregnant.

I did get past his honesty—I’m trusting that he didn’t mean harm and maybe there was some truth to it?—and a couple days later he redeemed himself when he asked if I’d like an early birthday present.  Anyone who knows me well knows I LOVE my birthday and all the related hullabaloo, so without missing a beat I said, “Of course…hand it over!”

You’ll never guess what was inside!  It was a black North Face—nice and roomy—to replace my new go-to purple jacket, which I had purchased to replace my ratty - albeit beloved  - older black North Face which my doggy had his way with when he was a pup.     

Maybe it was his way of assuring that he wouldn’t have to look at me day in and day out in that purple “maternity” jacket.  Whatever the reason, I got a new North Face out of the deal, and that can never be bad.  He got a lot of points for that.

Switching gears now, at breakfast on New Year’s Day, he said we should write...I thought he was going to say New Year’s Resolutions but he said instead…our New Year’s Responsibilities for 2014.  He said he would come up with our lists.  That’s right. He’d come up with both.

Under my name, he wrote down the people who he knows I feel some responsibility for, in one way or another.  It wasn’t a comprehensive list, but it was fairly accurate.

Now for his own.  Let’s just say there was a rather large discrepancy between the ‘his-and-her’ lists he created.  I didn’t know whether I should applaud him for recognizing our differences or bop him over the head for concocting such a sparse list in comparison.  A sense of humor kept me in check.

He was basically bragging when he pointed out that the volume of names on my list would prevent me from enjoying life, whereas his list translated to lots of free time to devote to his own interests and hobbies.    

As for my Numero Uno New Year’s Resolution, I want to keep laughing – at David, with David, whatever.

1 comment:

  1. He's a man who clearly wanted you to know that he notices what you do. Nice message for the start of another year together.
