Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Nightmare

As you probably know by now, my husband loves his doggy more than anything else.

Sometimes David surprises me, like the other day, when I heard him tell Shea, who had his little furry face next to David’s big furry face, “I need time to myself, Shea, I’ve been tickling you all night and now I just want to relax.” 

And then other times, I’m not surprised at all. 

One morning last week when David came out of the shower, he told me he had the worst nightmare ever, and he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about it.  He reiterated “worst nightmare ever” until I asked for the details.     

Since he’s already lived the worst nightmare ever – that of losing his son – he was obviously exaggerating but I could see he was, nonetheless, a bit shaken up. 

During the nightmare, David found out that the doggy he has loved for 4 years as his own actually belonged to another family.   In an effort to rectify this once and for all, David and I went to the house of the people who had raised our little guy before he came to live with us.         

When we got there, Shea immediately made himself at home, wagging his tail and chasing his doggy siblings around in what appeared to be very familiar surroundings.  David said this made him both happy and sad.

Since it seemed like his mamma was thrilled to see her family reunited, David realized he would have to come clean for her to understand how important our doggy will always be to him.  He shared his most personal business; he told her that Shea saved his life when Matthew passed away and that he can’t live without him.  He was not misrepresenting what he and I both knew to be true.   

Apparently the woman had her own reasons for wanting to keep her/our pet, so we ended up having to leave her house without Shea Doggy.  That’s how the nightmare ended, leaving David lonely and mournful. 

I told David that dream or no dream, I’m surprised he left with me; I would’ve thought he would’ve stayed with Shea.    

He appeared to agree and took it a step further.   Yes, he said, “I would’ve married the woman if I had to.”               

Really, is anyone surprised?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, but Judy, if you look deeper, it says to me that David left with you because even though he may not realize it, and even though it left him scared, you are the one he preferred to face the scary future with; his true love. If he married the woman to remain wth Shea, he would have had a much more lonely and scary future without you!! Celestine
