Sunday, April 19, 2020


What an awesome weekend!

I attended 2 birthday celebrations, spent time with our granddaughter, newborn grandson and all our kids and in-laws too, learned a new crochet pattern, read lots of stories about interesting topics and toured endless fields filled with beautiful pink, yellow, red and coral tulips at a local farm…all while sitting on my rear!

And…shhhhhh...between you and me…I was serenaded by Josh Groban – in his shower!

Thank goodness for the Internet!  What a tremendous source of entertainment and education it is.

While I spend huge portions of my day surfing the net, there is still a whoooooooooole loooooooooot of time left that needs to be filled.  Luckily the weather has been beautiful and my plantar fasciitis and chondromalacia patella have been behaving, so I’ve been able to take nice, long walks - not only for exercise and fresh air, but for clearing my head, too.

David, on the other hand, has been a 24/7 public health crisis sponge and news source of his own, enhanced by a variety of medical professionals and government officials.

He tracks all the trends in every state and country around the world, not to mention our county and surrounding counties.  For an actuary like him, coupled with the fact that he is retired, building his own models and creating his own forecasts as new data becomes available is second nature to him.  It is also an activity that keeps him engaged and in-the-know, which brings a sense of calm to an otherwise  overwhelming feeling of confusion, frustration and fear.

Thank goodness for Facebook, where he can mull over information and debate his theories with others, because I can only handle so much detail about the specifics of the virology, proposed treatments, virus and antibody testing, and the making of vaccines.    

Now if he wants to talk about front line workers, the plight of the poverty-stricken, the importance of health insurance and the increase in domestic violence etc. etc., I’m all in.  It’s this science and analysis business David thrives on that is just too much for me to wrap my head around.  I try to be a good wife and an informed citizen and listen when he embarks on one of his sharing sessions with me but, within a minute or two, I’m yawning once, 10 times and before long, 20!  He quickly becomes aware of my lack of focus and knows that the conversation is essentially over.  Back to his computer he goes.

We got a serendipitous “gift” of sorts on Saturday night, just as I was beginning to get stir crazy.  It was around 7 pm and I was washing out Shea’s dog food can when, all of a sudden, I slashed my index finger on one of the sharp edges. 

Normally I’d wrap paper towel around the injury until the cut settles down, and then I’d cover it with a band aid but, in this scenario, David immediately went from Covid researcher to wound care expert.  
He ran upstairs to look for gauze, came downstairs and wrapped it, ran back upstairs because he forgot to bring down the adhesive tape, rewrapped it, and instructed me - continuously - to hold my hand/arm above my heart to stop the bleeding.

In a rather warped way - because these are bizarre times, to say the least - it was kind of fun focusing on something different - together - even if it was a bloody mess.


  1. Pretty accurate assessment of what’s been happening here for the past 6 weeks!

  2. Great blog! It’s amazing what we can accomplish and how many people we can see virtually - even more than we would have if this wasn’t our current reality. Sorry about your finger, but as you know, I cut mine too so that I could be like you. LOL hope it feels better soon!

  3. So true, I've been loving all this connecting...and I can't believe we have the same finger injury! xo

  4. As always, I love to read your blog (and to speak with you in real covid time as well)! I wish that David could put a band-aid/gauze/a kiss on all of this and make it go away! So good to hear your voice and blab about dis, dat and dee udder ting! xoxo Andi

  5. Thank you! Wish he could cast his magic spell on all the world as well xo
