Sunday, October 12, 2014

Peanut Butter

Shea Doggy has a lot of pleasing attributes. He is quite entertaining and fun to watch.  He's loving and peaceful most of the time (when he's not freaking out at a truck or its driver).   I never feel alone or lonely when we're home together.   I know most of us love our doggies just like this.         

However, there is much more to say about him.  A most outstanding and unexpected perk of living with this furry creature that I want to bring to your attention is that he keeps me on the straight and narrow. This is beyond anything I could have hoped for.

I've never heard anyone brag that their doggy protects them from their own sweet tooth, but I'm here to tell you that my doggy does this for me.   

If I want a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, for example, which at times I do have stashed away at home, I know better than to assume I could enjoy one in a leisurely manner unless I first address the fact that peanut butter is my doggy's number one obsession.

Even if he's in another room or on a different floor, the acuity of his senses is right on.  All he has to do is hear me tear open one of the wrappers or get a whiff of this delicious treat and he'll go absolutely C-R-A-Z-Y, each and every time. Sometimes to distract him, I'll run the water or the garbage disposal but still...he finds me, getting ready to take that first bite.  This I can count on.

The simple truth is that I too am predictable to Shea.  He knows that I'll give him his own peanut butter treat before I enjoy mine.

Most importantly, this little game has been quite effective.  Instead of devouring that peanut butter cup, I now - at times - reach for fruit or something else of no interest to him (or me, for that matter), although he often does get the snack he yearns for, regardless.,,What can I say?  I am a sucker for his charismatic ways. 

Since Shea Doggy's presence so strongly  influences my behavior, I have him to thank for my reduced intake of sweets, not to mention that a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups lasts a lot longer in our house now than it used to.  

Now if I could only bring him to work...  

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