Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hanukkah Present

“What would you like for Hanukkah?” my husband asked me.

Feeling very fortunate that he’d pose the question, I thought about my list.  I told him I’d get back to him once I narrowed it down, as I had a lot of ideas to weed through:      

I want to live in a world where people are nice to each other; where our kids go to school and play outside in a happy, safe environment; where men and women talk out their differences instead of hurt one another in acts of senseless gun and domestic violence, terrorism or war; where cures for medical conditions are achievable; where natural disasters lead to research, not death or financial ruin; where people don’t go to bed hungry; where variety of color, religion and sexual preference are celebrated, not denounced; and so on.

But when he inquired again, since the holiday is right around the corner and I hadn’t given him an answer yet, I knew I had to provide something for him to work with. 

So, I told him there’s a really pretty necklace I saw…

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