Sunday, February 2, 2014


They come in all shapes and sizes, with each one offering a little something different that I treasure.

One such tradition that I enjoyed most recently was with my friends Cel and Tita to celebrate our birthdays.  Cel’s is 2 days before Tita’s and my birthday, which the two of us are very honored to share with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   

Cel commented that the three of us only worked together for a year, maybe two, nearly 30 years ago, and yet our tradition has lasted multiple decades. What a strong bond we must’ve formed way back when.  It’s not a stretch to say that we all look the same as the day we met, either. 

At the time, we all lived in Philly, and none of us had kids yet.   Now we all live in different states, have blended families with kids in the same age range and, as you can imagine, have a lot to share.  For starters, we all love our lives as empty nesters, although two of us experience this just part-time for now, as our kids are still in college and return home between semesters. 

There may have been a period when we got off track and missed a couple years, but we haven’t skipped one in the last 10, and I hope we don’t miss any more.  There’s way too much to talk about, and it’s so much fun.  I know it’s cliché, but it’s true…there’s nothing like old friends.   

When we did the whole long googbye thing, I heard Cel and Tita suggesting we get together again this calendar year - maybe this summer for a half-birthday celebration.'s a date!  Then a second later another idea to include our husbands was thrown into the mix.  

I hate to be greedy, but I'll take all the time I can get with these two.  We're so fortunate to have each other...let's not take that for granted.   



  1. This Capricorn Colleagues tradition of ours is the longest of any other tradition in my life!! It was amazing to see you both and I look forward to the next, and the next, and the next, and ......

  2. the next! Hope you're managing OK in all this snow and ice. xo!

  3. sounds like a fun tradition! it's always fun in life to have special things to look forward to time and time again.

  4. Oh My Goodness!!!!! How did I miss this Blog????? I was just teasing you about never writing about me in your blogs and you said you did write a blog about me and Tita. Imagine my embarrassment when I quickly went back to your blog to search through to see where the blog was; WAY BECK HERE IN FEBRUARY!! Did you not wonder why I had not commented??? Boy, what a friend you have in me, huh?? Well, this must have been one of my "busy" weeks and I must have somehow missed this blog. Loved it, and it must have been in the stars because now I am about to send emails to you and Tita to set up our get-together with the husbands:x Celestine
