Sunday, August 24, 2014

Not So Fast

Are you kidding me?  Halloween decorations NOW?

I saw costumes advertised in a storefront window last week and pumpkins on the cover of a catalog that came in my mailbox yesterday.        

It can't possibly make sense to anyone to jump ahead 2 months.  Do we really need to begin planning now - before Labor Day - for a fall "holiday?"   

It's one thing if it's cold and wintry and we see signs of brighter days in the not-too-distant future with the arrival of spring fashion, which then takes our thoughts to summertime and a relaxed and re-energized state of mind.  Looking ahead in this case makes me feel better.

But jonesing for the beach and realizing I have limited chances left to get there and soon it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving and then a deep dark hole of darkness that long, snowy winters tend to create does NOT make me feel better.

Perhaps if I enjoyed home decorating, I'd be happy to jump from one season to the next.  I'd appreciate the opportunity to transform the day's woes into a festive train of thoughts with the creation of exciting new visuals.  That in itself is a good reason to embrace this kind of hobby.

It's far more likely, however, that I'll always be protective of summertime, and anything that treads on its pretty toes will have to answer to me first. 

So...Back off, Halloween!  Get in line and wait your turn.

1 comment:

  1. Judy, You know how much I love decorating my home for the fall; however, I am right here with you when it comes to stores marketing the fall stuff before the summer is over. At least let the kids get back into school (and even that is starting sooner and sooner nowadays!). Do you even think anyone buys any of the fall stuff or the halloween candy in August, or even in earely September for that matter? It probably just sits on the shelves taking up space for 2-4 weeks. But I guess that is material for another blog:) Celestine
