Sunday, May 10, 2015

All-Star Weekend

Celebrating my firstborn on Friday night created a very emotional start to Mother's Day weekend.

My son Michael teaches students with autism at the Y.A.L.E. School.  A mom of one of his students nominated him to win a Phillies' All-Star Teacher recognition award, and he was one of 10 teachers chosen out of about 1,000+ nominees, based on letters sent in to the organization.  The winners and nominating families got to go on to the Citizens Bank Park field before the game while parts of each speech were read to the crowd.  I actually heard this young man tell my son, "You are a hero to me."  What mom wouldn't kvell? 

That's a Yiddish word meaning to be extraordinarily pleased and bursting with pride. That was me alright, and I had the tears to prove it.

I was told by a very wise friend that life is about MOPs (Moment of Pleasure) and that I have to savor them because they make the other stuff bearable. 

Dark, but realistic, especially for our generation.

Hearing about my son's impact on this young man and his family - especially relating to the student's mom as a mom myself - coupled with my family and friends surrounding us as we celebrated this honor, was one of the most memorable MOPs of all time.

The thrill could've been further enhanced had my mom been there to kvell alongside with me, but that wasn't in the cards.  So, I've decided not to dwell on what could not be but to appreciate all that was. 

And ending my weekend - Mother's Day itself - my kids were with me and, for that, I am eternally grateful.

At lunch, we all spoke about my mom and how much fun she was to be around.  My kids shared their memories, which included playing ball with her in our back yard with a wiffle ball and bat and with the velcro mitts on the beach.  Even in her 80s, she was more athletic than I ever was.

MOPs may be few and far between, but they do exist, as long as we are open to them. 


  1. Oh, I wish I knew before the fact. My school went to that game and I didn't go... Can you imagine me kvelling about my former student?

    1. YOU would really have kvelled!!!! Wish I had told you beforehand! xo

  2. OMG..we, the extended family, all had tears of joy & love for the great man Michael has become! You're the best mom ever! I thought lovingly of Florrie too!

  3. Wonderful post and an equally wonderful evening celebrating Mike!
